The rights include everything from the brand: the products, licenses and even the label. The entire library of Cinemaware can now be used by Starbreeze for publication purposes for as long as they wish, and Starbreeze plans to do quite a bit. Bo Andersson Klint, Starbreeze CEO, said this on the matter:

Cinemware was responsible for acclaimed titles such as Defender of the Crown, Lords of the Rising Sun, and Wings - which were all based or inspired by old movies. Most of their best titles were made during the 1980’s, but the company closed doors in 1991. After this it exchanged hands a few times, and now Starbreeze has gotten their paws on it. 

Many of their games are critically acclaimed titles, and the Digital Remastered versions are readily available today, so getting a hold of these titles for personal use would be a good move. And it does seems Starbreeze wants to do them justice.

Starbreeze also has their own VR system called StarVR. If they do manage to re-imagine these games into VR, it would be an excellent advertisement for their own system. Whether this is the only reason they picked up Cinemaware’s library is hard to say, but it should be a good move by the company nonetheless.