Spring break travel hacks

Starting Your Spring Break Travel Journey is one of the busier times of the year because school is out and people have time for vacations. Because of the increased demands for things like flight tickets and accommodation, some challenges might arise.

These challenges include

Skyrocketing prices of flight ticketsInability to find suitable accommodations Spending much more money than was budgeted

To circumnavigate these challenges, the following things must be done properly.

The planning

In planning for every trip, a budget must be drawn up alongside an itinerary of activities to be done. Planning a budget means allocating an amount of money to be spent on the entire trip. This is advantageous because it prevents you from getting stranded with no means of return.

Alongside making a budget, an itinerary should be drawn up. Some argue that this takes away spontaneity, for those who like to go with the flow, but having a list of things to do tends to keep things in perspective and helps achieve whatever goals you have set out. And your itinerary doesn’t exactly have to detail every single thing down, it can also have room for spontaneity.

The Execution

After setting up a budget and drawing up an itinerary, the next step involves more doing and an equal amount of thinking. This step involves booking flights, hotel reservations, making provisions for meals and planning recreational activities. When doing the above things, the initial plan must be followed.

Eleven Hacks That Will Make Your Trip Better

Packing the essentials:Remember to pack all the things you are going to need for an extended period away from home. The essentials include skincare products and others things that might only be available in select places.

Your wardrobe is a big deal:Make sure to pack suitable clothing. Try to blend being fashionable and being practical. Pack more sweaters and warm clothing if you are going to a colder region, and warm clothes if your destination is in the tropics.

Travelling in comfort:This includes booking flights early on to get the best value for your money and getting flights that are easily accessible from where you stay.

What if the journey was the destination?Try to make the journey as memorable as you possibly can. Whether it is vibing to a sick new playlist, finally watching a movie you’ve been dying to watch, or doing pretty much whatever else floats your boat.

Duty-free is your friend:If you want to buy souvenirs, it is better to avoid pricey boutiques and expensive stores and go for duty free stores which don’t charge tax.

Choose fun, and do what makes you happy:You don’t have to go on expensive excursions, you can do fun budget-friendly outings which will give you more satisfaction than listening to a boring lecture about an archaeological site that you don’t care about.

Google is your friend:Whether you are lost or trying to figure out the culture of a foreign place, it is so much easier and less stressful to just consult Google.

A handy translator:In countries that speak a different language from your native tongue, a translator is the only way you would be able to navigate and avoid getting lost. A translator could be a human or an app, either way, it will help you communicate better and maybe even help you pick up a thing or two about the foreign language. And learning a new language is a good way to improve your CV.

Local cuisines:What better way to truly immerse yourself in another culture than trying the local food. And by that, it doesn’t mean the fancy stuff they serve in hotel restaurants and expensive restaurants, it refers to the cheap organic street food.

A picture says a thousand words:Remember to take as many pictures as you can. Even if you don’t like having your pictures taken, you can take pictures of other things, the sights around you, the exotic food, even the people.

Trust me, when you’re older you would look back at these pictures fondly.

Plan for rainy days:When planning trips, it is always ideal to plan for emergencies. Something like carrying extra cash or packing an extra dinner gown might come in handy if something unexpected comes up.


Remember, your spring break vacation is ultimately about you. Just do the things that make you happy and try to make some unforgettable memories along the way.

Yes. Spring break is one of the ideal vacation times.