Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, an open-world stealth epic that doubles as one of last year’s best games, is 30% off at $27.99. Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, the short prequel to The Phantom Pain, is only $4.99, 75% off the normal price. Meanwhile, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, the high-octane, hack-and-slash action game featuring cyborg-ninja Raiden, is $7.49, also 75% off the original price.

Those looking for a new multiplayer experience will be glad to hear that the Metal Gear Online expansion pack, “Cloaked In Silence” (which gives players the chance to control Quiet, the mysterious and incredibly skilled sniper from The Phantom Pain’s single-player story) is $3.99. Steam is also offering the cosmetic DLC packs “ALL APPEAL PACK” (which includes four smaller emote packs for Metal Gear Online) for $6.99, and the “Costume and Tack Pack” for the main campaign in The Phantom Pain for $4.99.

If you haven’t already experienced The Phantom Pain, Ground Zeroes, or Revengeance for yourself, this is a fantastic opportunity to pick up and play some great games. Whether it’s the tense, stealth-focused drama of Big Boss and company, or the over-the-top swordplay of Raiden, Kojima’s games always have something memorable to offer.

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