That headline is probably throwing a lot of you off because this is an Android site, but hear me out. Apple isn’t going to go anywhere. They may not ship the most number of phones, but they do ship the most number of expensive phones, and that’s important. When they introduce the “cheap” iPhone later this year, expect them to start eating away at the upper end of the midrange as well.

If anything is going to threaten Android, it’s operating systems that are complete new. Operating systems that are completely different. The only two that come to mind are Windows Phone and BlackBerry. Nokia is going to report their Q2 2013 financial results in the latter half of July, so I’ll talk about them later. For now, let’s focus on BlackBerry. Wall Street expected the Canadian company to take in $3.3 billion worth of revenue. Actual result? $3.1 billion. That $200 million, divided by $400 smartphones, translates to half a million units. Speaking about units, how many phones did RIM actually ship? Just 6.8 million. The most important metric to pay attention to however is profit, and unfortunately, there’s none to be had this quarter. BlackBerry actually managed to lose $84 million. History shows us that once you start losing money, chances are you’ll never start making it again, and it looks like the market has rejected BlackBerry’s new OS: BB10. Can Windows Phone compete? We’ll see.