Sometimes, choosing the most interesting questions to highlight is the best part of my job. Do you have a question you’d like to ask me? I’d love to help you out. Tap or click here to email me directly. Tap or click here to see the video and learn how to sanitize your online orders.

Bosses spying on people at home

Q: Can my employer see what I am doing when I am working from home? I’m so distracted by the news. A: Many workers struggle at home, especially when their kids are out of school and there are few visual reminders that they’re on the clock. But yes, technology does exist to spy on your productivity. They don’t use onboard cameras or microphones; instead, they use keystrokes to figure out what you’re typing — or whether you’re typing. In theory, the strategy helps managers find the loafers. Most workers might consider this an invasive practice, especially if they weren’t informed beforehand. Tap or click here to learn how some bosses are tracking people working at home.

Is ordering food online safe?

Q: We’re quarantined and I am ordering food online. Is it safe? I am worried about getting the coronavirus. A: To keep themselves solvent, restaurants across the country have been delivering and providing takeout services from their physical locations. In theory, this is a thoughtful Plan B, especially for people who miss the dining experience. The problem is it’s hard to tell how restaurants are adequately protecting themselves and their patrons against the coronavirus. All establishments have to pass health inspections but that doesn’t guarantee your food, or its packaging, is inherently safe. The same goes for grocery delivery. One alternative is the meal kit, which typically provides all ingredients along with a tasty recipe, inside a sealed package. But even that needs to be sanitized. Tap or click here to learn how to properly handle food deliveries during the pandemic.

Don’t fall for stimulus check scams

Q: I got a stimulus check for $3,900 in the mail. It looks real. What’s going on? A: At this time, there is no way you should have received anything in the mail called a “stimulus check.” The bill that makes this possible passed at the end of March but, like any major government initiative, the stimulus package will take time to implement. If you received a check claiming to be part of the stimulus program, it’s fake. Scammers are taking advantage of the pandemic confusion now. Stimulus promises aren’t the only scams going around. In these uncertain times, knowledge is power. Tap or click here to see examples of the scams spreading now.

Homeschool online monitors

Q: I have a new appreciation for teachers with my kids home from school. How do I monitor what my kids do on their tablets and phones? A: You said it! It is incredible how much we rely on schools to not only educate our children but to house and protect them during the day. Ironically, a device in your home may be just as dangerous as anything your children might encounter in the seediest part of town. Now that so many people are homebound, a host of new opportunities have opened up for bullies and predators. No matter how young or old your children are, clicking the wrong icon can lead to disastrous results. There are many ways to childproof a computer or tablet, making the gadget safe for virtual education. Tap or click here to set up parental controls on your homeschool devices. What digital lifestyle questions do you have? Call Kim’s national radio show and tap or click here to find it on your local radio station. You can listen to or watch The Kim Komando Show on your phone, tablet, television or computer. Or tap or click here for Kim’s free podcasts.