In a bid by sellers to minimize their losses, the stock market regulators would have witnessed a panic selling situation after the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attack stock market regulators New York stock exchange and Nasdaq had to implement a 6day shut down a move which saw them make losses of approximately $1. 4.  The economic crisis of 2007-2008 was caused by lenders and financial plans for homeowners that could not afford to pay back their mortgages. This was due to the low-interest rates and low lending standards imposed in a bid to make the affordable housing scheme come to reality.  

annual losses were estimated to be approximately 5.6% annual. 

After the election of President Barack Obama into office, the following reforms were made to help heal the ailing economy that subsequently affected the stock market

To help restart job growth Obama initiated a tax relief that would help families that were hit hardest, permanent tax cuts for families with College and University students, and finally those with jobs generating a stable income.  The creation of stress tests helped the government explore and anticipate future economic vulnerability while coming up with appropriate solutions. This saw banks raise approximately $66 billion from private markets in one month.  The recapitalization of financial systems saw a positive return of $30 billion withstanding the downturn and eventually borrowing of loans and financial plans were reintroduced.  An estimated $1 trillion was raised in response to London’s G-20 crisis meeting summit that would go towards the restoration of jobs, credit, and sustainable growth globally.  A regulation on banks was imposed to ensure all transactions not related to the traditional banking services would be prohibited therefore eliminating risky proprietary transactions. And protecting customers from financial abuses witnessed during the crisis of 2008.  The signing and implementation of the recovery and reinvestment act of 2009 saw the government’s bid to salvage the already ailing economy and administer it while overseeing new reforms and projects affecting taxes, job creation, and insurance reauthorization. Other bills were later signed in 2010 and 2012 with the same.  

Following the various efforts and reforms that re-established the stock market, there was significant growth in 

After his tenure as president, we’ve had two elections that have seen two presidents in office but had different progress and made reforms that have affected the stock market. A pandemic witnessed in 2020 also hit the stock market. 

Under President Donald Trump

The whole world was hit by a pandemic that saw panic selling of stocks due to uncertainty caused by the pandemic. COVID 19 affected the medical industry where the staff was constantly overworking, citizens were stuck in lockdowns, and restricted movements, a move that saw most people lose their jobs. The stock market suffered and inflation rates rose. President Donald Trump’s administration had to work with researchers to look for a vaccine to manage the spread of the virus.  The Dow Jones industrial average made new 126 highs. This came in second after Bill Clinton’s 263 in his 8-year tenure and 123 in president Barack Obama’s tenure.  


President Barack Obama left the stock at an all-time high and the succeeding administrations have not been able to either maintain or grow these prices, partly because of the major events that have hit the world influencing the stock market as a result. 

Recovery may take a while and investors should continue to exercise caution while executing trades due to the volatility of the market in the Russian Ukraine invasion of 2022