Starting from today, Capcom’s new set of measures will be rolling out. First is a new set of penalties. If you rage-quit a match, your standing in the online leagues will automatically drop. Plus, every time you rage-quit, you will be locked out of online matchmaking for a set period of time. Basically, if you’re going to keep quitting matches, you can’t play the game and have to go sit in the naughty corner.

Capcom has also apparently developed a new set of guidelines that will make it easier to determine who is actually rage-quitting matches. Capcom has had trouble in the past discerning the different between rage-quitters and players who exit the fight after losing.

With any luck, Capcom’s new countermeasures will prove successful and players can look forward to clean and fair matches in the future. Or at the very least know that the sore losers are being punished.