That base group features both the return of classic fighters from the 16 bit SNES days, along with a handful of newer characters. We’ll be covering all 16 with full moves lists so you can dominate in either single or multi-player modes!

For those who are new to the Street Fighter V combat system, keep in mind that the red v-meter at the top of screen is used for v-trigger and v-reversal skills, while the ex-gauge at the bottom is for special moves and the critical art finishing attack.

Note that the commands listed below assume you are facing towards the right. If you are facing left, reverse the movement in the combo. For more help with Street Fighter V, you may also want to check out:

Beginner tips and tricks Complete moves list for Birdie, Cammy, and Chun Li


Of course this incarnation of Dhalism has his signature floating style, and he also moves much slower than the rest of the hyperactive Street Fighter V fighters. Balancing out that drawback, he has some of the best defensive options and as well as devastating combos - if you can pull them off.


Unique Character Attacks

Drill Kick: While jumping, Crouch Down + Any Kick Yoga Anvil: Move Left + Heavy Punch Yoga Upper: Move Left + Heavy Upper Divine Kick: Move Left + Medium Kick


Yoga Hoop: While near an opponent, Move Left + Light Punch, Light Kick Yoga Rocket: While near an opponent use Light Punch, Light Kick


Yoga Float: Either stand still or Move Right + Medium Punch, Medium Kick Yoga Float (airborne): While jumping, use Medium Punch, Medium Kick


Yoga Burner: Heavy Punch, Heavy Kick


Yoga Mala: While guarding, Move Right + Any Punch, Any Punch, Any Punch

Special Character Moves

Yoga Flame: Half Circle Left + Any Punch Yoga Fire: Quarter Circle Right + Any Punch Yoga Gale: While jumping either up or forward, move Half Circle Left + Any Punch Yoga Teleport: While standing or airborne, execute either Z-Movement Right or Z-Movement Left + either Any Punch, Any Punch, Any Punch or Any Kick, Any Kick, Any Kick

Critical Art Finisher

Yoga Sunburst: While standing or airborne, Move Quarter Circle Right, Quarter Circle Right + Any Punch


This bizarre character drains health slowly over time with a poison effect rather than going for straight health loss due to connecting martial arts attacks. He also heavily utilizes the charge mechanic, which you may want to try out a few times in a practice match before taking him out for a real battle.


Unique Character Attacks

Senpukuga: Crouch Down + Any Punch, Any Punch, Any Punch -> Any Kick Nirenko: Move Right Diagonal Down + Heavy Punch


Kyoshitsugeki: Move Left + Light Punch, Light Kick Shimonshu: While near an opponent, More Right or stand still + Light Punch, Light Kick


Nishodoku: Medium Punch, Medium Kick


Dokunomu: Heavy Punch, Heavy Kick


Nikaiho: While guarding, Move Right + Any Punch, Any Punch, Any Punch

Special Character Moves

Nishikyu: Charge Down, Jump Up + Any Punch Sotoja: Charge Left, Move Right + Any Punch Ryobenda: Charge Left, Move Right + Any Kick Nikankyaku: Z-Movement Right + Any Punch

Critical Art Finisher

Shishiruirui: Quarter Move Right, Quarter Move Right + Any Punch


A unique character in the Street Fighter V lineup, Karin is all about lengthy V-Trigger combos. If you can master those, you will absolutely dominate against nearly any opponent.


Unique Character Attacks

Tsumujigari: Move Right + Medium Kick


Hajotsui: While near an opponent, stand still or Move Right + Light Punch, Light Kick Arakuma Inashi: Move Left + Light Punch, Light Kick


Meioken: Medium Punch, Medium Kick (hold the buttons down to charge this skill)


Kanzuki-Ryu Guren No Kata: Heavy Punch, Heavy Kick Guren Ken: Move Quarter Circle Right + Any Punch Guren Hosho: Move Quarter Circle Right + Any Punch → Any Punch Guren Senha: Move Quarter Circle Right + Any Punch → Jump Up + Any Punch Guren Chochu: Move Quarter Circle Right + Any Punch → Crouch Down + Any Punch Guren Hochu: Move Quarter Circle Right + Any Punch → Crouch Down + Any Punch → Crouch Down + Any Punch Guren Reshu: Move Quarter Circle Right + Any Punch → Crouch Down + Any Punch → Jump Up + Any Kick Guren Kusabi: Move Quarter Circle Right + Any Punch → Crouch Down + Any Punch → Crouch Down + Any kick Guren Kyoho: Move Quarter Circle Right + Any Punch → Any Kick


Yashagaeshi: While guarding, Move Right + Any Punch, Any Punch, Any Punch

Special Character Moves

Kanzuki-Ryu Hokojutsu Seppo: Move Quarter Circle Right + Any Kick Tenko: Move Quarter Circle Right + Any Kick → Any Punch Orichi: Move Quarter Circle Right + Any Kick → Crouch Down + Any Kick Mujinkyaku: Move Quarter Circle Left + Any Kick Ressenha: Move Quarter Circle Left + Any Punch Senha Kusabi: Move Quarter Circle Left + Any Punch → Crouch Down, Any Kick Sennha Resshu: Move Quarter Circle Left + Any Punch → Jump Up, Any Kick

Critical Art Finisher

Kanzuki-Ryu Hadorokushiki Hasha No Kata: Move Quarter Circle Right, Move Quarter Circle Right + Any Punch


The fire-breathing fist Ken can not only launch long range attacks, but also has a host of unique skills for getting up close and personal and dealing loads of damage to an opponent who can’t guard effectively.


Unique Character Attacks

Thunder Kick: Move Right + Heavy Kick for the feint version, or instead hold Heavy Kick for the full version Inazuma Kick: Move Left + Medium Kick Chin Buster: Move Left + Medium Punch Chin Buster 2: Move Left + Medium Punch → Heavy Punch Lion Breaker: Medium Kick → Heavy Kick


Knee Bash: While near an opponent, stand still or Move Right + Light Punch, Light Kick Hell Wheel: Move Left + Light Punch, Light Kick


Quick Step: Medium Punch, Medium Kick (hold these down and release and then follow up with a different combo or throw for greater effect as you rush forward)


Heat Rush: Heavy Punch, Heavy Kick


Senpu Nataotoshi: While guarding, Move Right + Any Kick, Any Kick, Any Kick

Special Character Moves

Hadoken: Move Quarter Circle Right + Any Punch Shoryuken: Z-Movement Right + Any Punch Tatsumaki Senpukyak: Move Quarter Circle Left + Any Kick (can also be executed while airborne for a different effect)

Critical Art Finisher

Guren Enjinkyaku: Move Quarter Circle Right + Move Quarter Circle Right + Any Kick


Those are all the main moves for Dhalism, F.A.N.G., Karin, and the iconic Ken. Stay tuned as next we’ll be covering Laura, M. Bison, Nash, and Necalli!