The sales numbers revealed that to date, the title has sold 1.45 million units since its release. The total includes sales worldwide, both digital and retail sales.

It should be noted that Capcom expected the game to have sold 2 million to date. Street Fighter’s sales performance has become an ongoing question among critics and supporters. The game experienced a number of issues which have been clearly reflected in the sales numbers.

Sales may also indicated only the most hardcore of fans purchased the game as opposed to the general buying public. For comparison, Street Fighter IV was released in February 2009 and by March 31 sold over 3 million copies worldwide.

It has been argued the game’s list of reported issues may explain the sales number. The issues included a small roster, lack of offline content, prolonged periods of time for new content, and etc.

Street Fighter V is still recognized to have robust gameplay for hig hlevel competition for eSport events. Fighting game fans can purchase the game via retail and digital outlets.