The understudies said that Monday late night a gathering of hostile to social components entered the college inn grounds and harmed their vehicles. At the point when the understudies attempted to face them, they were beaten with sticks and belts.

The understudies organized a dissent before the College Police headquarters and requested activity against the thugs, who had illicitly entered the grounds.

College Police headquarters Official said the understudies have documented an application asserting that hooligans harmed their vehicles and beat them. There was no authority grumbling stopped against anybody, the official added.

The understudies said the police as opposed to enlisting an objection requested that they compose an application, claimed Bhavik Solanki, head of Public Understudy Association of India.

The NSUI will sort out a walk from the Gujarat College grounds to the police headquarters requesting the enlistment of the grievance against the unidentified hooligans.

He added that the understudies couldn’t distinguish any of the thugs and didn’t have the foggiest idea about the explanation and rationale behind the assault. “To that end a police examination is vital for the situation,” said Solanki.