Here we have Internet Explorer 8 open, and all we need to do to close it is double-click on the left corner icon.

You’ll also notice that if you single right or left-click an application icon once, it displays a menu that allows you to choose the behavior of the Window as well. Of course Keyboard Ninjas already know about Alt+F4 to close an app window…right?

Make sure you’re clicking on the application icon because if the pointer is off it by a bit, double-clicking will minimize or maximize it instead.

In Office 2007

In Office 2007 you can double-click the Office button and it will close out of the app too.

Bonus Stupid Geekery

If you have a message dialog that appears, you can right-click the upper right hand corner and select Close to get out of it.

Aren’t you happy to now know these obscure and worthless facts about Windows navigation!?