Yes, it does, both from customers and employees. Even greater is the general public at large. This stems from their rapid franchising even beyond the US.

Some complaints that Subway has dealt with

It is important to understand that negatives aren’t absolute, because there have been several positives, even in the case of Subway. We shall elaborate on three attributes;

Subway is accessible to first-time job seekers looking for opportunities.  Learning skills from them is easy and accessible.  Employee pay, though average, is more than beneficial, especially for a first time worker 

Unfortunately, negatives are bound to ensue with any establishment, this one being no exception. We discuss further the following in line with this topic;

The quality and quantity of Subway’s food. Marketing strategies. Employee complaints. Newer competition and steady decline. Conclusion.

The quality and quantity of Subway’s food

As a brand, Subway marketed itself as a healthier fast-food alternative. This is showcased by simply observing the signature combination of baked bread and a variety of vegetable and meat fillings.

In addition, Subway sandwiches, simply known as ‘subs’ were relatively inexpensive, going for as little as 2 dollars. Over the years, the quality has steeply declined as the true nature of the ingredients came to light.

Their use of deli meats known to have high levels of sodium and sugar became a point of contention. Their bread also declined in quality, ending up as generic and lacking variety and variation. They did have a garlic bread addition in later years but that was the extent of changing things up. The same goes for their cheese quality. The number of their sandwich toppings became increasingly lesser causing dissatisfaction with customers. 

These joint factors lead to the next primary observation.

Marketing strategies

Does healthier mean more superior? Time certainly didn’t stand by this fact. Subway marketed itself as selling meals with fresh ingredients, which were eventually proven to be false. In line with their marketing, unfortunately, their menu began to lack attention-grabbing qualities.

Initially, their tried and tested formula only worked for a few years. However, this changed in 1999 when a man known as Jared Fogle was featured for his weight loss, which he claimed he achieved through exercise and eating Subway sandwiches. Their publicity was subsequently enhanced. 

This re-sparked interest among the public and was marketed as healthy, changing when the man in question was caught in a scandal involving minors. This, in turn, ruined the Subway’s image even more. It also doesn’t help that since 2018, the media has had nothing but negative reports on the future of the franchise with an emphasis on the over-ambitious worldwide franchising, less than stellar working environment, and a long-gone reputation.

Employee complaints

Although it has been stated that becoming employed in the franchise was relatively accessible, the work environment is less than stellar. The presence of many branches has led to understaffing of employees, meaning that they have longer and more intense working hours. Labor is an important resource, but despite this underpaying is prevalent among the managers.

Few higher-ups prioritize efficient operation, leading to their overworking and less than stellar quality of work. They are additionally tasked with the training of new employees, but many do it in a lackluster way either due to habit or not having the patience to do so. Many employees left the franchise due to this. The onset of COVID- 19 made the situation worse, with many employees being laid off by their staffers.

Newer competition, and steady decline

The emergence of new restaurant chains such as Jersey Mike’s and Quizno’s has given Subway a run for its money. It has certainly not been overtaken completely, as its name is still recognizable to many. The difference is that these newer franchises have better standing to their name, making them more consumer-friendly. 

Another qualm that consumers have with Subway is their mixed attentiveness to customer criticism, which results in more of a turn-off for potential consumers. Businesses consider trust to be an essential attribute to their reputation, but transparency issues that have ensued over the past decade in Subway chains have affected consumer trust. 

Adding onto the major scandal caused by Jared Fogle, accusations of alleged fake chicken meat in 2017 by a Canadian TV show claimed that chemical preservatives and potential soy ingredients were present in their meat.

Gaining much media attention, the franchise firmly denied this, threatening to file lawsuits. In addition, their use of tuna as well as questionable fishing practices came to light. By this time, they were in steep decline leading up to the events from 2018 onward.


As these complaints show, it can be understood that Subway can do better for its caliber. Despite these shortcomings, not all is lost. The food chain achieved authenticity for some time, but a takeaway would be it promotes transparency above all. This will work by considering consumer needs beyond food service. In conclusion, Subway should state its practices to satisfy consumer demand and remove suspicion.

What is Subway’s hotline? 

Within the US, the hotline of preference is 1(800)888-4848. Subway customer service is also easily accessible in case of any customer need via Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Can I consider  Subway sandwiches as a healthy option? 

Compared to other fast-food restaurant chains, Subway claims to offer healthier alternatives. This is aided by their sandwiches having decent amounts of fiber from the bread and vegetables, protein from the meat, and fat from cheese.

Is the chicken at Subway real? 

According to Subway CEO Suzanne Greco, they insist they use only chicken accompanied with spices and seasoning. All other accusations are false and misleading.