On the site for Summer Wells, the letter was distributed. In the letter, Don Wells communicated his proceeded with conviction that his girl was snatched.


Also, he requested that the “criminals” hand the young lady over to the police, albeit the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation has reliably expressed that there is no confirmation to back up the family’s capturing guarantee.

The letter likewise guarantees that Don Wells was sacked from his 13-year work and that Candus Bly, Summer’s mom, can’t look for employment, demolishing the family’s presence. Anybody with solid data is mentioned to call 1-800-TBI-FIND.

What Happened To Summer Wells? Summer Wells evaporated in July of 2021. Wear Wells gave an assertion from the prison last month to respect the principal commemoration of his little girl’s case. It was addressed straightforwardly to his little girl.

Summer was helping her mom and grandma in establishing blossoms on the midday that disappeared. She purportedly entered the home where her brothers were playing after that. Individuals searched for the missing young lady ashore, in the air, and the water for quite some time.

The driver of a red or maroon Toyota pickup truck with stepping stools toward the back, which might have been in the district the evening of Summer’s kidnapping, was pursued by the experts on June 26. Nobody has at any point recognized the driver.

Also, agents mentioned anyone with sheds or trail cameras to scan the region for any signs Summer might have been near. They have not found any verification of a hijacking.

Was Summer Wells Found Dead? Her Case Update 2022 Ronnie Lawson, the sheriff of Hawkins County, and Leslie Earhart, the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation representative, directed a public interview on the day that marked one year since Summer Wells disappeared. They recalled the start of the case.

Earhart guaranteed that the TBI conveyed an Amber Alert the day after Summer evaporated. In the span of 24 hours of that caution, she said, agents had expected to have empowering news.

She guaranteed that there were not very many leads for this situation, and each road is as yet being thought of.

The case has up to this point consumed huge number of worker hours. In excess of 100 TBI specialists, examiners, and experts have looked through web-based entertainment accounts, advanced proof, and actual proof accumulated through court orders.

They have likewise directed endless designated ground look through notwithstanding three critical enormous scope ground look. Various subsequent calls and messages have been made notwithstanding in excess of 170 authority interviews.

Specialists have figured out huge number of tips however guarantee that the hunt has been hampered by bogus leads welcomed on by online hypothesis and those hoping to capitalize on Summer’s kidnapping.

Certain individuals, as per her, have even been mentioning gifts for herself as well as her family, yet they have never been conveyed.

Meet Summer Wells Parents Summer Wells was born to Don Welland Candus Bly.

Wear Well is imprisoned for breaking the conditions of his probation on charges irrelevant to his girl’s vanishing.

— That1girl@420dogmom (@voiceforyou83) July 17, 2022

Her dad was confined for having a gun while inebriated two months before Summer Wells disappeared. He got a little more than a year sentence for the capture on April 21, 2021.

Just a short time from that point onward, Summer would evaporate. On October 30, after 137 days, her dad, Don, would encounter challenges again, this time for DUI.

Since he was waiting on the post trial process at that point, the appointed authority was constrained to send him to imprison for breaking the conditions of his probation despite the fact that the adjudicator recognized that this was his most memorable DUI offense.

At the point when Don will be delivered is obscure. As per the family, his discipline will be rethought like clockwork and ought to be finished in 90 days.