Today, Wagon Adventure has grown in popularity, is now available for purchase through Steam or Desura and has become this sort of indie cult classic that is still enjoyed very much to this day. I was fortunate enough to have the chance to talk with the game’s creator who goes by the name Sparsevector.

So before asking about any of your games specifically, I need to know how did you end up with the nickname “Sparsevector”? It’s the perfect name for an indie developer by the way.

Where did the idea for Super Amazing Wagon Adventure come from? It’s obviously an homage to the classic Oregon Trail games, but as I describe it to my friends, it’s kind of like Oregon Trail on drugs (in the best way possible).

I made the minigames as violent and action packed as I could, and people seemed to really like the juxtaposition of the historical setting with over the top action. The idea for Wagon Adventure was then to make a game in the Oregon Trail setting but entirely fast paced minigames.


Aside from super smooth gameplay, this game is also absolutely hilarious. Did you write and think of everything yourself because if so, bravo good sir.

So enough about Super Amazing Wagon Adventure, let’s talk about your upcoming project called Go Plague Monkey! Go! From what I’ve gathered so far, it seems somewhat similar to Wagon Adventure in the sense that it will be a random, quick game. Can you shed any more light into what this game is about and what we can expect from it?

With the game I’m hoping to create something that’s fast and replayable like Wagon Adventure but with more of an emphasis on unscripted gameplay and open environments.  The art style for the game is somewhat unusual with hand animated 2D characters on a partially 3D background.

I know you said that Go Plague Monkey is going to be delayed a little bit at least until next year. Is there any kind of release window we can expect or is it more kind of you’ll release it when you feel it is done sort of thing?

I’m still planning to finish the game, but I think the best approach for me will be to work on other things and then return to the game later with a fresh perspective and maybe some new tools.

Sparsevector went to PAX East this year and showcased off Go Plague Monkey! Go! and had overwhelming positive reactions to the game so far. Along with the success of Wagon Adventure it would be easy for an indie developer to rest on his laurels, but Sparsevector is making sure he doesn’t so that.

Although there is no solid release date for his new game, we can most likely expect Go Plague Monkey! Go! sometime in 2016. In the meantime, if you haven’t already grab a couple of friends and check out Super Amazing Wagon Adventure!