If you want to trade in your old phone for the new iPhones than you are in for luck as Apple has introduced a new buyback scheme via its Indian reseller Ingram Micro, which will offer up to Rs 43,000 for your old iPhone, bringing down the upfront price of the device down drastically. The buyback scheme is available across all major Apple retailers including Reliance digital and Ezone. Reliance Digital sweetens the deal further by offering an extra Rs 2000 cashback and accessory coupons worth Rs 2000. The other retailers have tied up with select banks and offering a 10% cashback (limited to Rs 2500) on the device. This is a win win solution for retailers as they don’t have to bother about the exchanged devices as it will be responsibility of Ingram Micro. Apple iPhone 6s and the 6s Plus were just launched last month in India at a starting price of Rs 62,000 ($933) which went all the way to Rs 92,000 ($1384). The prices had already dropped some time back online and the iPhone 6s 16GB price was reduced to Rs 55,799, which is quiet a sharp decrease from the initial sticker price. Ingram Micro, one of Apple India’s resellers has currently rolled out the plan in most muti brand retail chains across South India and the offer is expected to be extended on a PAN India basis very soon. That’s not all. If you buy your iPhone 6s from Snapdeal, be sure to get a buyback of 50% within 6 months of purchase of your old iPhone, not that many people would want to do that. The best part is that the offer is also extended for iPhone 6, 6 Plus and the 5s. Once the purchase is made on Snapdeal, the customer is expected to register themselves on the ReGlobe link in order to be eligible for the offer. Below is a ready reckoner detailing the discounts on the popular iPhone 6s and 6s Plus variants and before that if you want to know everything about the iPhone better read this review!