How Did Susan Hernandez Die? 77-year-old Susan Hernandez lived in Pueblo, Colorado, and had an elevated status in the public arena. Quickly before her homicide, she lost her significant other and was gradually recuperating from the anguish with the assistance of her canine. Neighbors related her exuberance and how she would light up everybody’s day when she took her canine on a stroll down the road. Susan was additionally a standard churchgoer and very loved among her local area. Her liberality and sympathetic actions charmed her to most and made it significantly more hard to acknowledge her troublesome demise.

911 administrators in Pueblo, Colorado, got a call about a house fire on July 29, 2015. The guest – one of Susan’s girls – asserted that the house’s cellar was ablaze, which filled the entire house with smoke. She additionally affirmed that her mom lived alone and was not reacting even after she shouted out her name. When people on call showed up on the scene, they started getting out the fire while cops scrutinized the relatives present. One of Susan’s grandsons even asserted that he had visited the earlier day with his brother however tracked down no reaction from his grandma.

When the fire was stifled, cops were shocked to track down Susan’s abhorrently singed body in the cellar. In spite of the fact that her face and back weren’t that impacted, her pelvic locale and legs were nearly diminished to bones. Right away, the police realized that such a conflicting consume design alluded to a conscious endeavor to consume the body. Additionally, the casualty likewise experienced a dull power injury to the head, not entirely settled as the reason for death.

With the passing affirmed to be a murder, the police observed hints of unfamiliar DNA underneath Susan’s fingernails, guaranteeing that the casualty attempted to battle and scratch the assailant. Furthermore, the front way to the house was likewise broken in additional affirming an outer impact on the destruction. In any case, the house wasn’t stripped, and nothing demonstrated a theft.

Who Killed Susan Hernandez? At first, officials turned to social affair DNA tests from relatives and directing various meetings with Susan’s associates. By the by, the DNA tests took a considerable amount of time, and neither relatives nor others could give officials a positive lead on anybody storing up resentment toward the expired. With nothing taken from the house, specialists had a slight doubt of it being an inside work. However, most relatives had all the earmarks of being noticeably broken by their misfortune and had even placed up recognition posts via web-based media, making their contribution very impossible.

Be that as it may, when police started addressing one of Susan’s grandsons, Anthony Sena, they observed him acting oddly. As indicated by the show, Anthony’s auntie had as of now informed the police how he was an upset kid and experienced been in difficulty with the law even at a youthful age. Also, specialists found how Susan had paid her grandson near $8000 for rooftop fixes which were rarely begun.

In any case, when addressed, Anthony continued to demand that he was not associated with the homicide. He even guaranteed that he didn’t recall where he purchased the rooftop fix supplies, and the police viewed his responses as going against and dubious. In any case, with no appropriate proof, they had to release him. When the DNA results came in, specialists saw that the example was a match to five guys in Susan’s family – Anthony Sena, Devin Sena, Bruce Sena, Sebastian Sena, and Joseph Sena. Individually, the police started affirming their vindications to weaken the presume list.

In the interim, the show referenced how Anthony’s little girl approached and guaranteed that she had seen blood covering her dad’s ear when he got back from Susan’s put on July 28. Subsequently, with the other four suspects cleared, specialists zeroed in their examination on Anthony. Regardless, they didn’t need to stand by lengthy for an intention as they discovered that Susan was very frustrated with the absence of progress on her rooftop and needed Anthony to return the cash. Trusting Anthony to have killed his grandma over this fight, specialists captured him and accused him of homicide.

Where Could Anthony Sena Now be? When delivered in court, Anthony argued not blameworthy to the charges against him. However, the jury didn’t appear to concur and on second thought indicted him for robbery, endeavored first-degree fire related crime, and first-degree murder. Therefore, in 2016, Anthony got six years for robbery, twelve for endeavored first-degree torching, while the main degree murder allegation saw him condemned to life in jail without the chance for further appeal. Accordingly, even right up ’til today, Anthony is experiencing his days in the slammer at the Buena Vista Correctional Complex in Chaffee County, Colorado.