On June 23, 1985, Air India flight 182 from Canada to India crashed off the bank of Ireland, killing each of the 329 on board, most of whom were Canadian nationals seeing family in India. It additionally positions as the deadliest flight occasion in Air India’s set of experiences.


On the board were 268 Canadian foreigners, 24 Indian residents, and 27 British when the Boeing 747-237B leftovers fell 120 miles southwest of Ireland in the Atlantic sea.

Who Is Ajaib Singh Bagri? Memoir Explained Ajaib Singh Bagri, a Sikh traveler, used to be a plant laborer who relocated to Canada with a fantasy of a prosperous future for him as well as his loved ones.

Numerous Sikhs moved to western Canada during the 1970s for better financial conceivable outcomes. Bagri kept up with Babbar Khalsa’s status as a non-benefit association by manufacturing cozy associations with a few outstanding people all through his delayed stay in Canada.

These included Talwinder Singh Parmar, Ajaib Singh Bagri, Ripudaman Singh Malik, and Inderjit Singh Reyat, who ultimately rose to conspicuousness as pioneers and Babbar Khalsa individuals.

Babbar Khalsa or Babbar Khalsa International (BKI) is an affiliation whose essential objective is to lay out Khalistan, a free Sikh republic. Its defenders think of it as a type of opposition. A few countries, including India, Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, Malaysia, and the European Union, have banned and assigned the association as a fear monger association.

1985 Air India Kanishka Bombing Suspect Age, How Old Is Ajaib Singh Bagri? No reports have been accessible to date that address the 1985 Air India Kanishka Bombing Suspect, Ajaib Singh Bagri’s age and date of birth.

Therefore, his age is as yet a secret. Notwithstanding, a new image of his Babbar Khalsa, Ripudaman Singh Malik, who was shot dead on July 14, uncovered that he should associate with fifty to sixty years of age.

Bagri relocated to Canada during his twenties and worked in a factory prior to joining the Babbar Khalsa association. Where Could Ajaib Singh Bagri Living Today be? Albeit the current whereabouts of the Air India assault suspect, Ajaib Singh Bagri, has not been found, sources say he dwells in his home in Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada.

— Shiv Aroor (@ShivAroor) July 14, 2022

Bagri was likewise blamed for attempting to kill Tara Singh Hayer in 1988. Tara Singh Hayer was a Canadian Sikh writer and the proofreader of the Indo-Canadian Times. She had been a vocal rival of the suspects in the Kanishka bombarding. Hayer was shot and killed in 1998 in spite of having endure that specific endeavor.

His kindred associate and co-litigant Ripudaman Singh Malik, with whom the course blamed for establishing the bombs on board the plane, was shot dead on July 14, 2022, Thursday, in his local location in Canada.

As indicated by authorities, the casualty was Ripudaman Singh Malik. He and co-litigant Ajaib Singh Bagri were seen as not at legitimate fault for homicide and scheme in a couple of Air India Bombing on June 23, 1985, and left 331 individuals dead.