T-Mobile will livestream the event at 10:30 A.M. EST, in which gere will talk with Yahoo’s David gue about T-Mobile’s next trick. gere will also take questions over Twitter via the #Uncarrier8 hashtag. There was no indication if the talk will include an actual fire. gere used previous announcements to unveil changes like the popular Music Freedom plan, which allows subscribers to stream from a growing number of music services without counting toward their data caps. The magenta carrier also announced it’s turned on deb E in New York City, which can improve download speeds by up to 50 percent with higher bwidth. It’s already live in several other cities, including San Francisco, s Angeles, iladelphia. The story behind the story: T-Mobile has been steadily adding customers thanks to a series of consumer-friendly moves. It eliminated two-year contracts, data overage charges (it throttles data instead), simplified its pricing structure. The moves have been a hit with customers, as reports indicate T-Mobile could soon surpass Sprint as the nation’s third-largest carrier.