The most disappointing aspect of the original announcement was that those who signed up for the new unlimited plans would have to suffer with anemic 2G data speeds when tethering (kids: ask your parents about dial-up Internet). T-Mobile is now bumping tethering up to 3G speeds while keeping it unlimited. ile it’s a good change, 3G is still going to be slow for those who need to get real work done. As a solution, the network is offering a new plan called T-Mobile One us, which essentially bundles together the previous add-ins into a more attractive plan. For $25 extra per month, you get unlimited E tethering, HD streaming, 3G data in over 140 countries. The HD streaming isn’t enabled by default—you have to get a “day pass” for it, but you can do that as much as you want. For those on the lower-price original T-Mobile One plan, who are stuck with stard-definition streaming, you’re able to buy a day pass for $3 per day.  T-Mobile is making the new plans available on Sept. 1, which is five days sooner than originally planned. The impact on you: These changes soften the blow to those who might have been turned off by what felt like consumer-unfriendly moves for a company that constantly proclaims itself as the king of customer choice. As with any net plan, it’s best to look at the specifics ask a lot of questions before you jump in.