For the uninitiated, the Grade Shop is where you go to purchase buffs and upgrades for your New Game Plus (NG+) playthrough. The shop becomes available after you finish the game.

Since the game doesn’t entirely end after you finish it, you have the time to farm for Grade before heading into NG+. The best way to earn more Grade is to go out and battle a bunch of monsters. Going after boss monsters such as Code Red Daemons also grants a bonus to the amount of Grade you can get.

After finishing up in Palamides Temple, you receive the Marathoner’s Ventite, which unlocks a Grade bonus for chaining battles together. The Grade bonus increases with successive battles. Note, however, that the chain breaks if a character dies, if you flee, or even if you save.

Additionally, playing on higher difficulties can net you more Grade per battle. However, if you perform poorly, it can also take away more Grade per battle, so be smart when choosing the difficulty you want to farm Grade on.

Grade Shop

The Grade Shop in Tales of Berseria offers a plethora of options for those wishing to get a leg-up on their NG+ playthrough. Unfortunately, we do not have access to official English names or descriptions at this time. What follows is a translated list of the Grade Shop from the Japanese version of the game.

However, rest assured knowing we’ll update this list with official English names and descriptions – alongside where to find the shop and how much total Grade you can earn – as soon as we discover the Grade Shop for ourselves.

Library (0) Title (50) Shop Rank (100) Equipment Mastery (400) Artes Count (50) Magic Wind Crystal (100) Magic Ice / Ignis Crystal (100) Magic Steel / Silver Crystal (100) Cooking (50) Expedition (50) Katz Spirits (50) Tales Coins (50) Consumption Items (600) Special Items (50) Visual Items (50) Herb Growth (1000) Inventory Expansion (0) Arte Acquisition Rate x2 (0) Always Wandering (250) Level Up Bonus (500) Character Changer (500) Half Experience (10) Double Experience (0) Triple Experience (3000) Double Gald (0) Build Drop (1300) Strengthening Charge Half Price (0) Double Grade (0) HP + 1000 #1 (0) HP + 1000 #2 (500)

Note: Anything that costs 0 Grade is free of charge, but you must still purchase it for the effects to carry onto NG+.

I did my best to modify the unofficial translation so it fits with what we know of the official English translation – however, I left alone anything I was unsure on. For example, I feel like Visual Items is referencing Fashion, but I’m not 100% positive about that.

Be sure to check back for our completed Grade Shop list once we get our hands on the official translation. How are you enjoying Tales of Berseria so far? Do you have any more tips or information to add to the Guide Shop discussion? Sound off in the comments below!