Do ye hear it? The call of sea? The siren’s song of buried treasure beckons! Time to sharpen yer cutlasses and load yer flintlocks. Weigh anchor an’ helm’s ‘alee as Monday was International Talk Like A Pirate Day!

Don’t look at me like I be daft. Tis’ true!

What started in 1995 as a private shindig between mates (see the dapper gents to the right), the even went international in 2002 thanks to the humorly scribe and columnist Dave Barry. Since then, it’s only grown larger an’ larger.

Click th’ link to their homeport above to learn how to speak, sing, drink and party like a privateer. 

Talk The Talk

So, ye may be querying yourself. How does one speak like a pirate, says I? Thar’ be a few ports of linguistics ye can look inta’.

The Pirate Glossary - Quite the tome of buccaneer speak. Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue - The 17th Century Urban Dictionary Pirate Speak - Type in English, out come Pirate! Post Like A Pirate - Is yore emails and media posts lackin’ a certain flair?

And n’er be afraid to add yer own flavorin’ to yer speakin'.

Naming Fingers and Pointing Names

Does ye’ name not shiver their timbers? Do they not quake in their lilly-livered boots when they hear it? Then, get a proper pirate name!

What’s My Pirate Name Pirate Name Generator from GangstaName. com

Jus’ click, type in yer God-given nom de plume and out comes a name to be feared on th’ high seas!

Walk the Walking Plank!

So, ye have yer piratey title and a proper vocabulary for lootin’ and plunderin’. Here’s some of best games to quench those freebooter urges!

Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag

One of the best entries in the Assassin’s Creed franchise, you take on the persona of Edward Kenway, sailing the Caribbe along with many real pirates of note. You get to sail yer own ship, hunt for treasure, board and plunder ships as gather yer fleet. A lushly detailed game with a lot of challenges.

(Windows, PS3, PS4, Wii U, Xbox 360 and Xbox One)

Lego Pirates of the Caribbean

If yer not so cutthroat, Disney and TT Games have a Pirates of the Caribbean game in their Lego franchise. No keel haulin’ here, just good-nature ‘family’ type piratey fun building and exploring the world of the four Pirates movies.

(Windows, 3DS, Nintendo DS, PS3, PSP, Wii, Xbox 360)

Pirates of the Burning Sea

Surprisingly, there’s been only a few pirate MMO games over the years. Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean Online, the kid-friendly Pirate 101, ArcheAge (fantasy game with sailing) and Pirates of the Burning Sea seem to have been the most successful.

Pirates of the Burning Sea is still going since 2008. No longer owned by Sony Entertainment, this game is now Free to Play!


The Pirate: Caribbean Hunt

One of the most popular mobile pirate game apps (over 1 million downloads) is now Free-to-Play on Steam. Caribbean Hunt has o’er 20 kinds a’ ships to sail th’ high seas. Pirates can plunder to their dark hearts content, even CAPTURE enemy ships and add them to your growing fleet.

(Google Play, iTunes, Steam)

There’s truly a treasure trove out there mates to satisfy your Talk Like A Pirate yearnings. Hundreds of games with a piratey theme can be found on Google Play and iTunes.

Steam has over 400 game titles with pirates in them!

And be on the look-out soon for Sea of Thieves! This MMO for Windows and X-Box One looks to be a real treasure!

So much piratin’, so little time! Until next time, mates!